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Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday's "Jingers & Jimbo"

“My name is Lester Burnham. This is my neighborhood; this is my street; this is my life.
I am 42 years old; in less than a year I will be dead. Of course I don't know that yet, and in a way,
I am dead already.”

Who plays Lester and what movie is this from??

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Anonymous said...

me either so i looked it up.. but im not telling

Anonymous said...

kevin spacey in american beauty

Anonymous said...

i don't know why i know that because i have never seen the movie (except maybe the first couple of minutes after another movie has ended)..... Jim does that start the movie?

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

You got it...and that is how the movie "American Beauty" does indeed start!