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Monday, May 19, 2008

A Message from "Bobbo"

Hi all:

Just a reminder that this coming Saturday is the annual Bonfire at Bobbo's... I want to thank all of you that voted on the blog page for your menu choice. The winner was picnic food, so the beans will be there as well as the mac salad. I think that I have copied everyone in on this email as to who is coming or has at least mentioned an interest in coming.

I think that I'm all set as far as main course goes. Heather is going to bring the rolls for the burgers/dogs, and I'll have the beans and salad. I don't have a dessert of choice, so if someone wants to bring something I'm good with that. I'm really flexible (contrary to popular opinion) so whatever one wants to bring is very fine with me. I'll do chips and salsa and I don't mind having beer if someone will tell me what a preference is. I know that Kate and Joe are Miller fans, if that works for everyone, I'll have that. I'll also have 7up for you vodka drinkers (I may even have some vodka).

Bring your lawn chairs, and a sweatshirt if you're prone to getting cold. The pit was recently dug out to widen it and make it deeper for better heat and flame. Timmy is our fireman on hand so everything should be under control.

Nic, I know you had to figure out your schedule for (Chelsea comes to mind, am I close?) but I do hope that you can make it. Also, I know this goes with out saying but Pam if Lisa and Mike are bored in Buffalo (I mean, come on...what ever happens exciting in Buffalo???) they are more than welcome.

Ok, if anyone has any questions, feel free to send them. I'll be home any time after 5 so come whenever you want. I look forward to seeing each and everyone of you...and if you see I forgot anyone, please forward this email to them...

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Bobbo said...

How does one "update" the blog page if they so desired?

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

After signing in, click new post in the upper right hand corner. Then simply add your content then click publish.