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Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday's "Jingers & Jimbo"

He's the coach in the movie Hoosiers.
Looking for the actor's name and the year of release.
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Bobbo said...

I got nothing...looks like picnic food won out. Can you tell who voted or not?

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

No I cannot tell who has voted...unless I ....stand by let me check something else!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

No....didn't tell me anything. Sorry!

Unknown said...

actor is gene hackman, no idea on the year of release. i voted for picinic type food. Taht way bob makes his beans.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Very good Timmer...the year was 1986!
I too voted for picnic food!