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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday's Stumper.....


SETTING: A prison cell with a dirt floor, stone walls, no window but a skylight very high up in the ceiling; no furniture except for a mattress

ACTION: The prisoner who was in the cell manages to escape through the skylight.

QUESTION: How did the prisoner escape?

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Bobbo said...

Maybe he jumped off the mattress, scaling the stone walls, harpooning himself to the lip of the skylight, used shear strength of his big toe to operate the crank and managed to lift himself out using a stick of gum, a shoe lace and a ball point I close?

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Answer..........First, the prisoner dug a hole in the dirt floor. Second, the prisoner piled the dirt from the hole against the wall. Third, the prisoner climbed the pile of dirt and escaped through the skylight.

Bobbo said...

I like my answer better...

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Yeah...yours was better!!! I actually felt like I was in the middle of a good scene from a movie when I read yours!!