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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today's Framegame......

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Bobbo said...

too early for me....

Mike Derucki said...

Hhhmmm..reverse stretch?? have you been watchin' me in the tub?? Don't have me come down there for you either tuff guy.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Here too? Why would I watch you in the tub? Are you Lisa's Mike??

Bobbo said...

look at it this way leat the masked man is participating! More than we can say for some group members!!!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

True......he's got my curiosity up!!

Anonymous said...

a long stretch? just a shot in the dark..

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Nope good try though Heather!

Bobbo said...

Coming down the back stretch?

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Bobbo's the closest, answer is Down the Back stretch.

Mike Derucki said...

I don't get it.....seems stupid to me.

Bobbo said...

Almost as stupid as answering a private blog with out revealing who the hell you are.

Mike Derucki said...

Ouch...that hurt. Sounds like you don't want me on here.

Bobbo said...

I guess it all depends on who you are.

Anonymous said...

i agree with bobbo. Unless your part of the famiy, its not cool for u to be bustin in like this...

Mike Derucki said...

Mike DeRucki....and you?

Bobbo said...

Try again douche bag...

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Hey Mike or whoever you are.....I can block you from this blog...maybe I'll just do that!

Bobbo said...

No...let this play out and see if this jackass can cash the checks they're writing out of thier ass...

Mike Derucki said...

Go ahead...try to block me...I know more than you think.

Bobbo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bobbo said...

While we can appreciate your sense of humor, I think now it has come to end this charade. You're no longer welcome on this page or with this group. And if you are whom I think you might be, you'll never be part of this. You will be blocked, you will be ignored and if we're all lucky, at some point you'll grow up.

Mike Derucki said...

Very well...Goodnight & Farewell.............for now!