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Monday, June 7, 2010

Today's Teaser..............

An explorer was captured by a tribe whose chief decided that the man should die. The chief was a very logical man and gave the explorer a choice. The explorer was to make a single statement. If it was true, he would be thrown over a high cliff. If it was false, he would be eaten by lions. What statement did the clever explorer make that forced the chief to let him go?
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Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Answer; The explorer made the statement, "I will be killed by lions." Now, if the chief does feed him to the lions, his statement will have been true, so he should have been thrown off the cliff. But if he is thrown off the cliff, his statement will have been false. The chief had to admit that the only fair course of action was to let the explorer go free. WTF!!!!

Bobbo said...

WAY to much thinking for me today!~