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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Are you serious Jing????

OK, Below is an unusual word. Let's get our thinking caps on and try to figure out it's meaning.No cheatin' now, strictly educated guesses only. Also please give an example in sentence form along with your answer. Today's word is:

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Anonymous said...

ah... thats what the dentist is .. when a patient is "under" he makes his or her mouth move to pretend the patient is talking! Actually makes them say really naughy things! ..

Anonymous said...

Assistant: Dr.- do your "dentiloquist" act like you did on the funny looking lady the other day!

Dr: Oh Suzy, I know its wrong, but golly, it is fun isn't it??!! Hurry up and get the nitrous out!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

That is way too cool! Is that something they teach a class on?? I would love to watch it! Ha Ha Ha!!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Answer; someone who speaks with closed teeth.