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Sunday, March 29, 2009

A new look for the blog......

With Summer right around the corner we thought it would be a great time to make some changes to "The Group's Blog".
We have given it a whole new look and feel. Hopefully you will find it a bit easier to navigate your way around. We feel it not only looks cleaner and brighter but the print is a bit larger too. That helps most of us who can't see for shit!!

Also notice that the columns are now located on the left as opposed to the right side. We felt this was a nice change! Please take a few minutes to read "Bobbo's Monthly letter" and when you are finished please take the survey and answer any and all questions that may apply. We have allowed multiple answers this time and as always your answers are confidential. No one knows but you!

Lastly, publishing this daily blog gives me personal satisfaction, and a feeling of contribution to the group. It is my hope that we can all have a place to go to catch up on things, test our brains, or just have a laugh. Our lives are all busy and it's just one small way that hopefully we can continue to stay connected.
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Bobbo said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

Pam said...

Very nice job!!!!