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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a Letter from Jing.....

Please take a moment and take the poll to the right, with regards to maintaining this blog.
There does not appear to be much interest any longer.
I would appreciate your honest answers as well.
If you have comments regarding this please feel free to email myself at either;

Thank you,
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Bobbo said...

As I have said before, it is completely up to you. The blog is great for you and I to communicate, but now that you're "Facebooking" communication will not and was never an issue. I'm good with keeping, I do check it everyday, but to make things easier for you, would be fine to let it go. I will however, continue to check the family one...I have to have my trivia fix!

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Thanks....I will rest it for a few days and get back to it soon after some thinking.
See you later on.......4:30 or so.

Anonymous said...

I have all I can do to read the family one. I know these are time consumming also for you.