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Monday, October 6, 2008

Welcome to the newest Johnson

Hi All:

As of 11:34 this morning, Lia Alice Johnson joined the world. She weighed in at 7lbs 11 oz and was 20 inches long. Mom and Dad are elated and very excited. Mom was resting comfortably when I left them and Dad was busy falling in love. I know that this journey has been long and full of anxiety, so let me be the first to congratulate them and their precious little one. If you would like to add a comment, I will print out the page and bring it to the hospital tomorrow.


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Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

Congratulations Erin & Ryan!! We are all very happy and excited for you both!! Welcome to the world of Parenthood! You will both be wonderful parents! Can't wait to meet Little "Lia".
Jing & Yvonne

Alison and Jason said...

Erin & Ryan,

I have been thinking about you all day and so happy to hear that everything is good.....CONGRATS on your daughter, Lia! ENJOY every moment of parenthood - nothing compares!

Alison, Jaso& Alex Tuff

Mary said...

Congrats Erin and Ryan! Can't wait to meet Lia :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys!! I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to meet the bundle of squish!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Erin and Ryan we are so happy for you both. She will bring joy to your lives.