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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hump Day Tease......

Brain Teaser #75
There's a certain 10-digit number where that the first digit is
equal to the number of zeros in the entire number, the second
number is the number of 1's in the entire number, and so on, to
where the 10th digit is the number of 9's in the entire number.
What is the number?
Is this confusing to anyone else??? I have finally posted the correct answer!!!

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Bobbo said...

I can't get through the question let alone give an answer

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said... too! Let's try a different one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BTW Bob, tried to vote on food and it errored out

Bobbo said...

How on earth did you come up with that? You googled didn't you?. Make sure you vote again!

Anonymous said...

No, I didn't google it. I figured it out on my own. I started with 9000000000 and worked my way backward. It couldn't have been that because there would have to be a 1 in the last spot. That would take away from one of the zeros, so it would be 800000010, but again, there have to be another number after the 8 to reference the "number of ones" as there was already one..... I did this for a couple more minutes and came up with 6210010000.

Jim (Jimbo) (Jing) said...

See - there are 6 zeros, 2 ones, 1 two, and 1 six.
Holy crap Tricia......Unbelievable!!!
Excellent job!!