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Editor n' Chief- "Jing-A-Ling" .......Secretary- "Baba Ganoush"
There is an animal hiding in each sentence below. Can you find the animals?
Example: There's a bee in "I'll be eleven next month." Hint: You'll have to
look in three words to find some of the animals.
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
2 | 6 | 10 | 14 |
2 | 10 | 26 | 50 |
2 | 14 | 50 |
What has six faces,
But does not wear makeup.
It also has twenty-one eyes,
But cannot see?
If 26 clowns can blow up 26 balloons in 26 minutes, how many clowns do you need to blow up 78 balloons in 78 minutes?
HINT #1: In some of the words, the missing letters are vowels; in others, the missing letters are consonants.
HINT #2: At least one of the words can have more than one possible correct answer.
Example: HAY
Answer: HAPPY
When you behead a word, you drop the first letter of the word.
The following clues should help you find the three letter word.
Behead a beast, and you will find
A larger beast is left behind.
Behead this larger beast and then
Instead of one, you'll find I'm ten.
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